What can a caller expect from a consultation with you?to be honest with them hear them and know that I am here to help them in all and anyway possible I can. I believe in that Nothing in life is impossible, Because everything is possible good or bad and that life go's on and know that I will help them achieve their goals dreams and help them and give them the push kick and voice they need to be happy with peace and joy faith trust love and most of all believe with in them self to move forwards and live life and not to just exist.
Name some specific experiences where you've used your abilities.Here, I have helped many save their relationships and helped them know what is real love from lust. I have help many let go the one that they tried to hold on to that didn't want to be held on to. Can't force no ones free will. Home , helped many Connect with spiritual guides to get answers and clarity of many questions one may have. Office , helped many by giving them clarity ,answers , and insight on all the problems. Spiritually Mentally Physically and very honest.
How long have you been aware of your abilities, and how have you developed them?I have been aware of my abilities for over 40yrs.
Describe your areas of expertise.Self,Love,Family Business,Career Health,I am a expert in all and every field and that life has and offers.

No connection at all.Everything she said was untrue.Never calling back
Guru Master in Love Relationship Self Balance Spirits replied:

She doesn't let you explain what you want to ask and then she rambles on and when you question her , she hangs up . TERRIBLE